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$125,000 Grant
Inner-City Arts – Visual, Media, and Performing Arts Institutes

Located in the heart of Skid Row, Inner-City Arts is an oasis of learning, achievement, and creativity. Founded when Los Angeles public schools were cutting art instruction from their curriculum, founders Bob Bates and Irwin Jaeger were inspired to “get an art space for kids”. Their focus on arts education and the intellectual development it brings has helped changed the lives of more than 200,000 children living in L.A.’s poorest neighborhoods.

The Visual, Media, and Performing Arts Institutes were created with the purpose of providing high-quality, sequential arts instruction for middle and high school students who otherwise would not have access to the arts. Every workshop, no matter the art form, provides students with a valuable opportunity for creative exploration, performance, and career-development support.

A Message From GENESIS

At Genesis, we celebrate that creative force in each child that will catapult their lives. It is central to the mission of Genesis CSR, because Genesis is born of a balance. Between the part of us that marvels at stunning technological achievements, and the sector in every heart that longs for graceful simplicity and tranquility. That balance lives deep in the soul of our company.

Driven by the belief that inspiration is the greatest luxury a luxury car company can deliver.

And that as long as humans express their deepest aspirations in paint and steel and stone and the human form itself, there will be children witnessing that expression whose hearts and minds and destinies will be redefined and reimagined forever.

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